
Friday 9 March 2012

The dreaded call from call .. your child has had a bad accident...

 Its the phone call you all dread  when you child has gone on a school trip / holiday . I will be honest I was apprehensive about my son going skiing especially as  he was going  with the same  Ski company and he is the same age as that fatal coach crash and its the exactly the same route. But we had assurances that all would be well as they company is extremely  good at what they do and   and I as a parent had every faith in them and in the school.

So it comes to yesterday  I receive a phone call   starting with the words  your son . ... has had an accident.. So  I got emotional as is natural .. ( I wasn't sobbing down the phone ) practicly takes over as I was very calm. It appears my son had stumbled on the ski slopes and had hurt his collar bone. he was airlifted  off the slopes ( He was in Courmayeur,Italy so it is right on the slopes of  Mount Blanc )

Courmayeur, snuggled at the end of Italy's Aosta Valley next to the Mont Blanc Tunnel to Chamonix, is a ski holiday, dream destination.

He has had three x rays and his arm is in a sling and he cannot move it at all. We have got to get this checked out on Monday as this will be four days since the accident. So I will update more as I know the medical details.

Would such an incident put you sending your child on holiday again.. 

It hasn't for me .. it is my sons personal choice if he goes skiing again after all Life is for living and for risks though sometimes the risk is a little to close to home!.


  1. Gosh I bet your heart stopped when you received that call, mine would have!

    I wouldn't stop mine going at all; as you say live is for living and all that :)

    Hope he mends quickly x

  2. I'd be a wreck. Hope he is ok and it doesn't put him off skiing

  3. How awful! I hope that he makes a speedy recovery!
    I wouldn't stop mine going either - we acn't keep them all safe and 'bubble wrapped' from experiences all the time, can we.

  4. how true, our A&E dept knew us by name we were in there that often, accidents are exactly that and they can happen at home as well as on well organised trips.
    Many years ago my son managed to be the first child for the year in the accident book when he cut his leg on the runner blade of a grass sledge - and this was in was always
    I think after today's news many parents in Belguim would be glad to have their children back with "just" a sore shoulder. You cant help but feel for them. Not belittling you sons' accident, or that heart stopping moment whilst all the news sinks in, and glad he is home.


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