
Monday 11 March 2013

Having a Natural Childhood.

There is much to be said for a natural childhood , but what is a natural childhood these days ? In a fast pace media world?

You can can argue that you can not have a natural childhood if you live in a concrete jungle this is not true there are ways that you can encourage and support a natural childhood.

Outdoor learning

To step out of the classroom is to step into an adventure , we need to remind ourselves that going outside is fun- an adventure for us , it as much fun for us as it is for our children. You don't have to go far, you don't even have to get on a bus.

Don't worry what you haven't got , make the most what is there.

You need to start with excitement we live in a world worth celebrating. We have to remind ourselves that although we need to work safely, meet the curriculum targets, satisfy our expectations as parents etc.

We need to step back, think and plan, and be ready to accept the unexpected.

Encourage exploration this can be as simple as going outside when it's frosty ( make sure you wrap up warm!) going outside when it's frosty you and your children can see footprints in frosted grass.

We need to encourage exploration / investigation and listen to our children and respect their discoveries. We need to trust our children and let go of our own worries. Meeting things is a challenge being creative can simply mean encouraging children to use their imaginations and even ourselves !

Give them a postcard and pencil and let them take themselves off.

Percy the park keeper is a good tool for younger children in expanding the activity.

If outside is a barrier sort it out as best as you can.

Go outside and build a natural childhood.

Going outside and building a natural childhood is all about building emotional intelligence.

It seems there is some debate about the modern childhood being over by the age of 12 hence the compilation of potty lists and things to do before the age of 12.

Encourage children to get on their knees as they can explore close up .. you don't need expensive kneelers , old mouse mats will do.

Make up your own story book, have a story walk a simple leaf can have a grand adventure plan a route for it : have a secret huddle ! always provide opportunities for the story to finish most things in life reach a natural conclusion.

Make a story out of your journey "Where does this path go to  ? is it a magical land of giants ?"

So get out there GO NUTS and explore :The world is ours is we just need to claim it back.

GO NUTS about going outside and exploring !

I recently went to a Forest school day as part of my role as A SEN teaching assistant.


  1. I agree. Mine go out all the time because we tend not to have a big holiday, we go camping often instead. It takes them away from computers and tellies and lets them be children :)

  2. Great photos. I love getting outside with the kids and just playing and exploring.

  3. We love being outside! Love the squirrel photo!
    Popping over from Country Kids. x

  4. Your preaching to the converted here! Our six children are very much outdoor explorers and definitely make the most of all nature offers here on our farm. Thanks for linking to Country Kids.

  5. That' an inspirational post! We always encourage our kids to go outside, but there are far too many people who let things like cold or wet weather put them off and keep themselves (and their kids) inside.

  6. My toddler just loves being outside on the farm. We just wander and that's about it most of the time.

  7. i am guilty as chrged of being cooped up indoors, but really going to make an extra effort to change that, this post amongst others is the inspiration i need!

  8. Great words...and pics. My daughter has Forest Schools one afternoon at her school and the children absolutely love it. Unfortunately she only has it for six weeks but it's a start!

  9. All excellent points, outdoor play is so important and so very easy as well!

  10. This is a lovely post! and some fantastic photos. Sorry its taken me a while to get over from the Coombe Mill linky xx

  11. Gorgeous photos and a spot on post! Too many kids don't go out at all these days!

  12. I quite agreee. What's Percy the Parkkeeper? Not heard of it.

    1. Erica, he's a children's character in storybooks... He's brilliant!

  13. I agree, we need to get the kids out more. x

  14. Percy the Park keeper is fab! Lovely post. I think the muddy mess in my garden (aka mud pies) is evidence of a natural childhood!

  15. I use Percy for my geography lessons. I even think I have a bit of a crush on him. I'm head of geography and so I spend most of my lessons (and family life as a result) outside. It's the best place to be. There's no bad weather, just bad clothing choices ;)


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