
Thursday 25 April 2013

What's cat all about?

I really don't know what to write.

Awards are abound.

Sometimes its a case of who shout loudest .. sadly.

I would rather awards were decided by panels  of assembled qualified folk.

But alas no.

Back to looking at cats on the internet then ...


  1. *nodding*

    ps, is Rollie fat like the cat in the ad?

  2. I'd always rather look at a cat than somebody shouting about the latest "You scratch my back I'll scratch yours" award too. And if there's any scratching to do, a cat's always happy to oblige.

  3. I avoid the awards for the exact same reason I avoid voting competitions in the rest of the internet. It's just a popularity contest, and those who shout loudest, or can afford to influence voters win. I'm not saying blog award winners have bought votes, but I do remember seeing someone last year running a competition where the entry route was to vote for them in an award. I don't remember who, or which awards, but I remember it happening.

    It's all rubbish at the end of the day. I'll give you an award if you like.


Everytime you comment on this blog you will be sent a kitten ... that could be a lie .. though it would make me very happy Thank You! If you are allergic to cats then wine will be sent .... * that could be a lie also.

Not connected with kittens

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