
Saturday 16 January 2016

Is Anyone Actually Listening?

I do sometimes wonder If anyone is actually is actually reading this , I'm pretty much not bothered by comments ( they're nice and all that jazz) but is anyone really reading . Sometimes when you blog you feel like a false messiah saying , read this , do that, eat this . I'll genuinely only tweet , and write what I feel is right on my blog,I think I used to be afraid of having an opinion on social media and that is pretty much changing now.

Though is anyone actually reading this ?

Is anyone actually reading ( or indeed any interesting blog post ) this not to comment but pass on the information by word of mouth. I try and do this when I talk to people telling them about what I've seen , it's the equivalent of being a wandering minsterel or a story bard. 

I love reading blog posts and sharing them with people that I know including by word of mouth as I believe this just to be as important as the written word.

Go share today .


  1. I'm reading and loving Hawaii cat:-)

  2. There has definitely been a tipping point, at least among bloggers, where many people are now broadcasting more than they are conversing. I think this is a real shame. We all use social media to promote our blogs to some degree, but I despair at times when my Twitter timeline is nothing more than an endless stream of auto-scheduled links. It's a shame we can't collectively find a better balance between shouting at others and chatting with them.

  3. I agree with Tim, everybody is too busy writing and sharing their own lives to interact with other people's. I pretty much only use twitter now for comping as there is no real conversation. Sadly everything moves on and evolves and then they come up with new things to replace what has evolved into what we dont like anymore so it dies a death.


Everytime you comment on this blog you will be sent a kitten ... that could be a lie .. though it would make me very happy Thank You! If you are allergic to cats then wine will be sent .... * that could be a lie also.

Not connected with kittens

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