
Tuesday 24 May 2016

Death In The World Of Parent Blogging ( Mummy Blogging )

There is an article floating round the Blogging world which is pretty much death to mummy blogging and how they are ending it all , it is a very well written article, whilst highlighting much with that is trite in the world of blogging . For example having "PR friendly in your bio " this makes me giggle but each to their own personally I would love "I eat PR's for dinner " ( but apparently you can't do that)

No one is reading your blog ?

So what

Never mind you can console yourself with that box of review chocolates  oh no chocolate diet it is then ? NO diets are good, no they aren't ,oh I don't know consoles self with a chocolate covered rice cake & I have nailed it.

Give up Blogging ?

Write an article on how you will give up blogging , then bask in the admiration of the people that love you .....

Keep Blogging as You 've seen the light and you have a super new look to your blog anyway .

Laughing cat

Laugh and the world laughs with you or at you ...

Actually I should be pegging out the washing but I am writing this instead , weird how blogging does that do you !

What ever you do there is life in Blogging yet perhaps from a more personal level and who cares if it is read .


  1. I read this from the cheap seats over hear:-)

    1. Have you popcorn and drinks ? I bet you have a popcorn recipe as well ;-)


Everytime you comment on this blog you will be sent a kitten ... that could be a lie .. though it would make me very happy Thank You! If you are allergic to cats then wine will be sent .... * that could be a lie also.

Not connected with kittens

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