
Thursday 20 February 2020

Why I Love Cats

Why I Love Cats

I have always been a cat lover. I love all animals  except this one time when I decided to let my sister in laws rabbit bounce bounce in the front room because it was giving me sad bunny eyes from its hutch.But the problem came when it had obviously tasted freedom it just wouldn't go back in its hutch and I couldn't pick it up and had to put a washing basket on it to trap it and then it hopped around moving the washing basket as it went.I rang my husband to come home from work to help me deal with it. Cats really are my favourite, I find random cats everywhere though cats are never random more sheer bloodyminded springs to mind.I love that cats come in all shapes and sizes , my late Aunt had a cat called Kit and if it sat on your lap your never moved as it claws sunk it ( it didn't want you to move )  Cats have such majestic swagger and totally don't care as they walk away having shredded your kitchen roll or toilet roll , cat feels no shame they're proud of their misdemeanours.I have had many cats over the years from my childhood cat that just to knock on the letter box to come in to Rollie who died a few years ago who was an absolute evil devil in the fluffiest way.

And I love cats because they are part of my exercise routine as the cat will come in through the cat flap and demand to go out the front door.All because it thinks the weather will be different on the other side of the house !
And my cat can look like my bank manager by keeping an eye on my purse as I puruse the internet then viciously her followed by a pair of slippers everywhere on the internet.

And I love the fact is obviously a fine food critic and can at the drop of a hat detect that the shed load of his favourite food has had a sudden change of recipe ( even though it hasn't ).And did you know that cats are actually closet interior designers I mean talk about keeping your light under a bushel.They will immediately alert you  to out of date trends in furniture and wall covers by clawing at them till you find something they approve of.It is a very expensive process but a true artiste always suffers for their art , it is the true encapsulating nature of a genius.

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