
Tuesday 16 August 2011

The importance of Outdoor play despite the weather !

 Whatever the season there is no excuse not to go out and play outdoors!

It doesn't matter if it's too hot out there (put on a hat and sun cream) or if the leaves are turning brown, the conkers are looking ready to drop. It is raining ,when doesn't it rain in this country. It can be tempting what ever the weather to just plonk them in front of Cbeebies and run for your computer catching up on Twitter or Facebook. Though hopefully you are reading this at at sensible time when your little angels have got to bed after you've been playing outside.The weather is not an excuse not to get out and there and  play. You must have all seen the various government campaigns on the television at the moment encouraging your to take exercise of at least 60 minutes outside. And this doesn't even have to cost you any money in most cases.

At my school we have a canopy so they can play outside even when it is raining. We also have a welly shed and raincoats. So they can play in the puddles, stamp on those crunchy leaves, make mud pies and of course the child hood favourite making homes for wriggly worms. Though making their homes out of stones was not a good idea I discovered as a child !. You don't even need toys as they will produce their own toys from what ever is around them.

A canopy makes out door play accessible in all weathers.

Well of course that’s an appealing thought but what about all that outside play that the children got during the summer? Why let it stop just because it’s a bit colder! A few layers, a raincoat and trousers and a pair of wellies and they are all set. In the colder months you don’t even need to give them toys to play with as the changing seasons and the natural toys that they are producing will be enough to keep them entertained.

A sandpit is a marvellous addition to outdoor play just make sure it has a cover otherwise it will turn into a giant kitty litter. It doesn't even have to be an expensive sandpit it can be one you've made your self . Just cover it with tarpaulin.

(photo used with permission from @chocorange )

Just make  sure the children have suitable waterproof clothing on if they go to play outside when it wet.

If a child could design their outdoor space it would be naturalized with plants,flowers,dirt,sand,mud and insects,but would also be rich with a wide variety of play opportunities of every imaginable type.If children could design their outdoor play space then this would further enriching their developmental learning environment and they would want to stay all day. I know as its a hard job getting the reception children in from their outdoor play !

So before you reach for the safety of plonking them in front of a dvd, why not turn off the television get the wellies on( Hunter Wellies if you want to be a scrummy yummy mummy ), dig out a magnifying glass and go looking for insects?( No pulling the wings of fairies !!! ) Or build a den or a fort ?

If you don't get your child into the outdoors they are never going to build up their immunity and be able to fight off those coughs colds and other nasty bugs!

So get out in the outdoors and just have fun what ever the weather ! It is England after all.


  1. ever since my son started walking he's clamouring to get outside at every opportunity. i'll have to but some warm clothes & waterproofs for both of us soon i think. i forsee a muddy-floor winter.


  2. oops that shoud have been buy, not but

  3. Yes I agree that children should be playing outside what ever the weather lovely pictures

  4. My daughter (2 years old) loves getting her wellies on and going out with her new brolly when it rains. She LOVES splashing in the puddles and you just have to let them do it!

  5. Excellent work missus. Outdoor play is so important for children to learn about the world in which they live.

  6. Hear, hear! :-) Bethe @balmeras

  7. Thanks for linking up to country Kids, this is what we are all about. I hope you will join me with more pots again

    1. Thank you for doing it . I shall be doing more of these I have an Outdoor planning meeting at school this week and finally after years of planing our trim trail goes in at school this week. Next mission is a Sensory garden I believe.

  8. Right about everything apart from it being a sensible time when I'm online (it's gone midnight lol).

    I ought to let my children do some playing in the mud more.

  9. Some great tips - we do try to get outside every day but some of the rain this week has been just too heavy for us. Oh and I do have a pair of Hunter wellies - but they are about 20 years old so think I may be more slummy than yummy!

  10. great post we love getting outside too despite the weather like in my recent post: :D

  11. was very impressed at my son school they have spare wellies and raincoats so even when it rains all kids can have fun outdoors

  12. So true! I always make sure my kids get dressed for the weather and get outside. It raises their energy levels and makes them happier - even if they are reluctant at first. I find that when my mum looks after them they won't go out in bad weather - because my mum doesn't like it - and I come home to grumpy kids who are climbing the walls :(

  13. We have to go outside every day, Z is so full of energy that he's almost bouncing off the walls most days if we stay indoors! :)

  14. Very important to get them outside and run off some energy. The increase in outdoor nurseries is great as well, getting toddlers out and about is essential.

    ps - found you via Mummy's little monkey Blog-horn.

  15. I let my children play outside whatever the weather, they love it when it rains

  16. I find that a good half hour out in the fresh air is so good for z. He has a brilliant and all he energy is expended in a good way.


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